Monday, April 2, 2007

Puppies in a Basket

It takes two tall laundry baskets to contain these guys so the floor can be washed. We could use one for all of them before. We had escapees today it was yellow and orange. They are loud when they are in there letting you know they want out! Lucky, white, hit 12.5 lbs. Everyone else is close behind.
They are really done nursing. Momma Cheeto nursed them this evening but that will be about it. They can now easily stand and nurse. She wore her shirt when she played today. She is such an easy dog. Happy to do all the crazy things we ask of her. This is our last week with the guys and although I will not miss the loads of laundry or the floor washing I will miss each little face!


Anonymous said...

Marianne -
What a great job you have done. I have truly enjoyed the blog. You have given me valuable information on how the puppies start out. I am in awe in all the time you have committed to these puppies. You are truly a great breeder/caretaker and any puppyraiser will be lucky to have one of your puppies. Thank you for sharing your experience and photos. My thoughts and prayers are with you when you send your puppies out to hopefully one day become great service dogs.

Nanc said...

I agree with everything Maribeth said! You have done a great job and I have truly enjoyed the journey! I would have loved to have kept my Autumn girl when she made the breeding program but sadly I didn't have the room here to do it. So being able to watch each and every stage has truly been a gift! Thank You Marianne!
Nanc (one of Cheeto's many Aunt's from Michigan)

Linda said...

Is that Miss Red with her mouth wide open? That photo really made me smile. I am truly going to miss this blog when the pups come to Paws. You've done an absolutely amazing job with the pups and incredibly generous sharing the experience with all of us.

Breedercheeto said...

Yes, that is Big Red girl with her mouth open. They all were calling OUT she just happend to get caught with her mouth wide open. Thanks for the compliments but this is what all your people in the breeding program do. I am just was fortunate enough to have the time and interest to do this. I am a bit of a geek and like this computer stuff. It was easy once you got the hang of it. And it is FREE. I hope the puppy raisers will send us pictures so we can keep it going on a smaller basis, like once a month. More about them tomorrow.